This is a list of known glitches in the giga pack!
#1 The End Glitch, The End will crash your game unless you play with our custom config file! The world will eternally crash!
#2 The Feet Glitch, If you try to repair boots with the advanced enchantment table your game will crash and when you re-enter your game...... YOUR BOOTS WILL NOT EXIST!!!
#3 The Twilight Glitch, Do not turn on NEI's block indicators in twilight forest or any plant you look at will disappear!
#4 The Chicken Glitch, unlike most glitches, this glitch is totally AWESOME, If you open the chicken chest and take out a stackable item very quickly.... Your item will DUPLICATE!!!! PS, we don't know if this is a glitch or not.
#5 The Dragon Glitch, if you try to repair items with the dragon essence table your game might crash, don't panic this won't remove any of your items and your items should be fully repaired once you re-enter your world.
#6 Super Arrows Glitch, If you use a modded bow your arrows may become stuck in thin air!
#7 Quarry Glitch, some times a quarry will create two building sticks, do not panic these sticks are not actually there!
#8 Un-Bends Glitch, When using mo-bends, some 3D items and armor will glitch out, this cannot effect any game play!