Here are some Texture Packs created
by IndyJackson. Please enjoy and do not post these on any other website because IndyJackson has worked many hard weeks on these.
What's New: New Boss Music!
Installation: Install Music Choices Mod from http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1294595-music-choices-gives-you-more-options-for-your and put this pack in the texture packs folder in your .minecraft then press play and you have it!
What This Adds: This texture pack adds music from LoZ TP and NSMBWII to minecraft!
What's New: New Boss Music!
Installation: Just put it in your texture packs folder like any other texture pack.
What This Adds: Well, It doesn't add anything, this texture pack is based off of the popular Old Faithful texture pack from http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1223254-faithful-32x32-pack-update-red-cat-clay-1-8, some of the textures are changed from the original and have been improved to match the giga pack!
Installation: Install Music Choices Mod and put the file in the texture packs folder in your .minecraft and that's how it's done.
What This Adds: This pack adds everything from the Giga Pack Texture Pack and The Nintendo Music Pack in one texture pack to add a more video game-ish style to MC!